These are one-page papers that are part of a continuing series called Truth Bombs, succinct papers highlighting a single issue. It is a series of concise papers which seek to explain lies, errors, misunderstandings or misrepresented facts.

An exhortation about expecting and preparing for the return of the Lord Jesus.

This is the second part of facts regarding the Apollo missions. This one concerns the Van Allen Belt and solar flares.

The moon walk films are so obviously fake that they resemble 1950s cheap science fiction movies. All part of the deluding of the masses. You need to be aware of the basic flaws which cannot be satisfactorily explained.

These Truth Bombs regarding the release of Satan are important. They help to show what the purpose is behind what is going on in society today. I have other papers that have discussed this and yet others that I hope to upload soon. You need to understand the satanic strategy that undergirds globalism today.

This is a simplified set of definitions but it really helps to get a summary view of the various Christological heresies.

Three simple papers summarising the essential points of eschatological issues.

Two simple truth bomb papers giving simplified definitions of theological subjects.

This sort of oblique observation can help to contextualise the end times.

These truth bombs explain why the current establishment narrative about white entitlement and black slavery is a fraud. The truth is that all ethnic types have experienced slavery and throughout history most slaves were White or Eurasian. In fact, for centuries most slaves in America were White poor people.