A simple and quick paper to address the panic and speculation causing a frenzy on the religious web and various books and articles regarding eschatological events supposed to occur in the next week or so. Panic not, it is all nonsense, as usual. There is not going to be a secret rapture this month. Read the paper to see why.

This book gives you all the foundational information on the global Elite that you need.

This is a letter to Chinese believers. It was prompted by a sudden surge of over a million hits on my website in a few weeks, from China. The contents will be of use to all people since it contains my advice to believers in pressing on toward the goal.

A complete analysis of the 9/11 false flag but in concise bullet points and simple terms. This is the product of 23 years of research and consideration. The chief perpetrator is exposed.

This paper explains where we are now in the Covid narrative. It contains much new information. For example, it shows why PCR tests are dangerous. Or how the government has conducted militarised psychological war on the population and the effects of this. There are also sections on the spirituality of this warfare and the attack on connectivity. You must be aware of these things.

A paper intended for Christians who know nothing about the elite, or deep state, and doubt it exists. I have other introductions to the global elite but this takes a more overarching view and examines the logic of the body. It is based in Biblical analysis.

This paper is a much needed explanation of the situation in, and mindset of, North Korea, as well as a short history. This is rarely, if ever, presented in the media; in fact the media constantly presents a one-sided, exaggerated, and often falsified view. You need to read this to get a balanced view.

This paper urges Christians to see through what is happening and also admonishes churches for closing down. The church has lost the wisdom and stamina of previous generations. I also give practical advice for what may be coming.

This paper is an extended glossary of terms that you need to understand in modern discourse. It covers political, academic and modern social discourse. It is intended as a reference work.

The mass psychosis is operating again, this time to vilify Putin. This paper explains what is really happening and why. Do not believe the media.

This paper on Anti-Semitism addresses vital issues that no one is talking about in the current hysteria whipped up by the elite thought police for political ends. It is important to analyse this objectively.

A paper that I was asked to write about the TV drama on the Bible recently aired. I trust it will be of use.

This paper is a bit out of the ordinary in that it examines the current austerity politics which this country (and the EU) is immersed in. It shows that not only are these cuts unrighteous, in that they devastate the poor, weak and vulnerable, but they are contrary to acknowledged economic theory and empirical practice. They will not work but will create an implosion in Britain's economy and wreck the social infrastructure of society as well. As such, these polices are wicked and obnoxious to God.

This paper explains how Australia has become a totalitarian nation, with satanic policies dominating everyone in a police state. However, the main point is that this is a model for all nations. Be prepared.

This paper seeks to discover, among other facts, whether freemasonry is an innocent social and charitable institution or something much more sinister with secret agendas.

I rarely examine secular individuals, but this is an exception. Here is a thorough analysis of eugenicist Bill Gates. You need to be aware of his evil intents.

This paper explains the background to the Brexit withdrawal agreement. I show why it is undemocratic and treasonous. I also explain how the global elite is working through this process. Just more proof that the UK government is not working for the interests of the people. However, I also explain why Christians should not be perturbed or shaken by this, but be peaceful.

It is fashionable today to berate Britain as the source of all culture problems. Britain is denigrated as racist, misogynistic, bigoted, and much more. The BBC even recently stated that Britain stole everything and produced nothing. All this ranting stems from Cultural Marxist dogma that is basically attacking the Christian foundations of British society. The truth is that Britain, as a result of its Christian heritage, gave more benevolent discoveries, inventions and social reform to the world than any other nation. This paper seeks to counteract the lies with historic facts. Be informed.

The riots of 2011 was a new type of uprising and a low-point in the destruction of British society. We need to understand that God is sovereign over this. This paper looks at all the aspects, both secular and Christian. This is a divine warning.

This paper shows how satanically inspired rulers have always sacrificed children. What society is doing today is a continuation of this in various ways.

This paper is necessitated by the lies and scaremongering that fill the media. It explains why we need to leave the EU fast and exposes the falsehood of the fear stories with facts and professional quotes. Do not be dismayed by 'Project Fear'.

This paper addresses a very serious and current issue. Most people are unaware that the Green political movement was established and is controlled by the global elite as part of their plans for global tyranny. As oil power controlled the 20th century, sustainable development and Green policies (especially regarding carbon dioxide) will control this century. Be aware.

This is important. The current frenzied media and activism on climate doom is a pack of lies. Every claim of the climate alarmism narrative is unscientific and false. This includes the supposed consensus. In fact over 99% of scientific papers referred to in that claim opposed man-made global warming since 1950. This paper exposes all the key lies with simple explanations and nearly 200 source footnotes showing real science commentary. Don't be fooled. Climate activism is a Globalist strategy to crush the West and help establish a fascist state.

Herewith a simple, short summary of why the climate change agenda is a pack of lies.

This paper is a different sort of topic, but socially important. It evaluates the historical development of super hero comics and shows how modern social conditioning has changed the plots and characters. Today, the content is conditioning kids, and also adults through film versions, to swallow liberal elite dogma, in particular, to accept more violence, anger and hatred against dissent. Super heroes are no longer representatives of Christian righteousness and champions of the American dream, but purveyors of liberal, anti-Christian, pagan morality.

This simple tabular diagram proves that the highly unusual global Covid response was planned for years.

This paper gives a concise but thorough breakdown of the facts surrounding Covid vaccines.

This single sheet of paper explains why the Covid vaccines are a tragedy.

This paper explains the claim that snake venom is present in SARS-Cov-2, Remdesivir and Covid vaccines.

A much needed, sober analysis of the current 'pandemic' scare.

This is a follow up paper on Covid-19. It contains some very important observations and data.

This paper answers the oft asked question, 'who profits from the Covid crisis and vaccination programme leading to depopulation?'.

An examination of cultural movements that are widely accepted but which are utter deceptions. It shows some aspects of life which even Christians accept glibly, but which are false or dangerous.

This paper expands on what I have previously written. It gives great detail on vaccines in general and the Covid vaccines in particular. The narrative of successful vaccine projects is fraud. The Covid vaccines are experimental, not fully tested, nor properly authorized and are inherently dangerous.

This is a brief paper that demonstrate what the Bible has warned about for thousands of years, that the restraint has indeed been taken off Satan and he is growing in his ability to control the world through evil individuals and corrupt governments. It is written for friends who are not Christians, but are concerned about the current developments in the world.

This is a letter in response to questions about how far we can engage with worldly authorities. There are many mistakes made in this area which ruin Christian lives. Our job is to do God's will and do it with wisdom.

This very important paper gives evidence proving that the pandemic was completely false. It was, however, carefully planned in advance and I show the precursors. As I have said all along, the pandemic was a ruse to bring in draconian social control and prepare the way for totalitarianism.

This paper exposes the great evils of the lockdown, which will change society forever. I expose the general facts of the pointless lockdown (it worsens the spread of an epidemic), and the particular effects on the old. I also call for a complete change in church practices to prepare for the future. We must be more Biblical.

This is a paper that gives you much neglected history showing that the long term purpose of the EU founders was, and still is, a federal superstate, a United States of Europe (their term). There are various other sections giving you details on related matters of importance, including a portion on the basis of UK sovereignty in the Constitution. You need to know this information in order to be able to vote with integrity and in an informed manner. Others will try to scare you with prognostications about the future, mostly lies. This paper gives you historical facts about what has already happened. You should judge on the basis of facts, not scaremongering.

It occurred to me that busy people cannot easily find the time to read a 50 page document. Therefore, I have summarised the points made in the previous paper in this concise version a quarter of the size. I think it still adequately covers most areas.

A paper on this should not be necessary; sadly in this modern apostate world it is a needful warning.

This paper exposes, in great detail, how the viral panic has led to unadulterated totalitarianism. It uses simple bullet points to lay out case after case of lies, falsities, exaggerations and propaganda used to employ fascist policies. There are also appendices showing multiple scientific papers justifying my assertions. I also expose how this operation followed a strategic plan going back decades.

This paper is necessary to combat the multitude of lies being spouted by the media and establishment supporting remaining in the EU. The hard truth is that the EU has done no good to Britain whatsoever. The claims otherwise are propaganda lies. I examine several areas to show how bad being in the EU has been. In economic terms the damage is huge.

Modern sceptics claim that the Bible is full of myths. In fact, the foundation of many planks of modernism are fables that have no proof whatsoever.

This comment is necessary to warn people about the indoctrination that is well underway in society and what you must do to see past it and test what is true. To just trust the newspaper that you have read for decades, or the TV news you support, is a fatal flaw. They are now full of lies and propaganda. Be wise; be discerning; test all things; understand that deception is everywhere and is part of a spiritual battle. Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.

There has never been an era when lying propaganda was used so heavily on civilian populations. You are literally being conditioned by various systems around you to tow the establishment line; without this the elite could not get away with their policies. Jesus warned us about the extent of deception in the world, especially at the end and Christians should be wiser than the world in this matter. Sadly, so often that is not the case and many modern 'Christians' are even more deceived than the world, especially by Charismatic deceit. I explain this and give multiple examples of how the world governments have lied to you to achieve a certain goal. Don't accept the lies that are currently being perpetrated today, especially as war threatens.

This paper shows that the common use of the term 'Far Right' to demonise critics of the Left is fallacious. I explain the relevant terms and warn that Christians will be thus labelled. There are also two appendices, one of which is a commentary on the New Zealand shooting, which is being widely misrepresented as being perpetrated by a Far Right gunman. In fact he is a crazy Leftist.

The best deceptions have a morsel of truth and, like scorpions, their biggest threat is at first hidden from victims. This describes feminism. While early achievements, such as equal pay for equal work, were righteous, the movement soon revealed its true colours - which represent an attack on God himself and a perversion of his law. Many sincere women have been led into appalling error, sin and wickedness by this movement, including being exposed to paganism and witchcraft. Despite this little is being said by church leaders, in the UK at least. You need to read this paper and be educated what feminism is really all about. It is pernicious.

This is a paper on Fracking. It is an incredibly important subject since it can directly impact you and your family for the worse. Indeed, it is not extreme to say that some residents near Fracking sites have been hospitalised and killed by the effects while others can no longer drink their water. Be warned.

This paper is chiefly Scriptures that pertain to the responsibilities of governments and rulers. It is sobering to say the least. Those in power need to read this and fear. Voters need to see how to assess candidates for office.

A paper outlining the breakdown of society in Britain which evidences that God is judging this country.

A short paper proving that climate alarmist policies are detrimental to the planet.

This long paper explains the background necessary to understand the current conflict. This history is understood by few, yet it is vital to confront massive propaganda lies.

This paper analyses how Christian cults develop and why they are wrong. There are many examples to illustrate the issues.

This paper explains the well-known brainwashing techniques that produce complicity and how they were used by the government against you.

This paper exposes the hypocrisy that is prevalent in the mainstream media today. The reason for this is following an indoctrination programme to manipulate most of society to acquiesce to global elite strategies. Thus a certain feature in one area is highlighted when the same feature in another is completely ignored. For example: the deaths of 113 civilians in Syria is falsely blamed on Assad and trumpeted across the world but the deaths of many thousands of civilians, including many Christians, by US and UK air-strikes in Iraq and Syria are completely ignored. Be warned. There is no fairness or balance in journalism today in the media.

As part of my responsibility to inform and warn, this paper exposes the serious issues with the influenza vaccine. It gives hard scientific evidence for questioning the vaccine, including analysis of what is in the different sorts. The conclusion is serious; the establishment does not want people helped by this but harmed.

Do you think that your government is benevolent and cares for everyone in society? This paper shows that governments are in collusion with God's enemy and foster all sorts of wicked projects that only insane people would condone. They even sponsor programmes that harm their own families. This is part of the wickedness of man coming to fulness that I explain in other papers. Here I simply outline a number of insane government policies that are wicked and just nuts!

A hard-hitting essay explaining the catastrophic collapse of the testimony of institutional churches, The time has come for Biblical churches to emerge.

For all those busy people out there, here is my summary of Islam. While there are many introductions to Islam available, very many are filled with falsehoods (Taqiyya) to deliberately lead you astray. In addition, even many Muslims have no idea what Muhammad taught what Islam is all about. My précis gets to the root of the matter in a few pages (perhaps a bit more than five minutes). There is enough information here, with evidences, for you to hold your own in any debate.

This is a book of great importance. It is a complete survey of Islam that supplies information in one source that will be rarely seen elsewhere. It expounds all aspects of Islam from theology, to ethics, to politics, to history, fully explaining why most people have a very wrong idea about Islam; this includes many supposed Muslims. I also explain what is going on in societies where Muslims have gained a foothold and show why they are doing this (following Muhammad) and what the expected outcome is. The facts that I expose, with as little passion as possible, are truly appalling. Everyone needs to understand these facts, especially Christians.

As the elite plans for domination continue, this paper explains how one strategy is to destroy a sense of community because community derives from God.

This is an important and lengthy resource. It shows how all the negative changes in society were planned long ago. The key events, reports, books, papers, conferences are all listed. This contains huge amounts of information.

This paper proves that totalitarian government measures were nothing to do with a virus but were to drive a vaccine programme. I explain what this programme is for.

This paper is a condemnation of the situation in Britain today. This is the result of a series of anti-Christian governments that are intent on destroying Christian mores and social structures in this country. It stands condemned by God's law.

This is an expansion on a statement I have made in a previous paper that Jesus is viewed as the Word of God in Islam.

A short paper explaining the truth about Black Lives Matter and to whom submission is due.

A paper giving scientific and medical reasons why you should not wear a facemask. This policy is a further push towards totalitarianism.

This paper demonstrates that, on the one hand, we must love individual Jews just as any other people. On the other hand, we must be aware of the evil prescribed in Talmudic and Kabbalistic Judaism, and condemn it.

In response to one questioner, and to cover other future comments, this paper fully explains my argument that Christians must do good to all but not get involved in worldly politics. The argument is very clear. I also look at some objections, such as the slavery issue.

This clarifies the limits of obedience to the state and when to disobey.